My daily sip and snack!

My daily sip and snack!

Daily cocktails and a snack you ask? That is a good question. I don’t consider myself a big drinker, nor do I have any bartending experience. So why blog about cocktails? Well I may not drink a lot, but I do enjoy finding a drink I enjoyed at a restaurant and finding a way to recreate it at home! I like to exchange sugary syrups for fresh ingredients whenever possible and tailoring the alcohol content to my liking. Why suffer a hangover if you don’t have to!

What I lack in alcohol consumption I make up in snacking!! If snacks were a food group on the food pyramid, let’s just say mine would be the whole bottom half! Who can resist a salty chip and a delish dip? Or cheesy stuffed bread accompanied by a container of ranch or manière. Do not get me started on tortilla chips and fresh salsa, oh and guacamole! I better stop my mouth is watering and my waistline is expanding just thinking about it!

So, the answer to my original question…I love an ice-cold cocktail and snack to go with it! So why not share my recipes with you! I would love to see what drinks you like and what snacks you pair with them.

Contact me and let me know. No one like to drink alone.

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